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Law Professors and Lawyers 

Best Practices in Representing Asylum Seekers is now available here.  The series walks you through representation of an asylum seeker, from the meeting to prepare for the first client interview to the adjudication of the asylum claim.  Thanks to the American Law Institute for making it available for free.

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We are excited to announce that we've teamed up with to develop a series of educational videos about immigration law.  FWD's videographers and LegalED filmed leading law professors on important topics related to immigration and immigration reform. 

Check out Lynn Marcus, University of Arizona Immigration Law Clinic "The Three Types of Cancellation of Removal for Respondents in Proceedings." 

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LegalED hosts an ever-growing collection of videos and teaching materials created, contributed to and curated by world-class teachers in their fields.  The video collection (each 15 min or less) is designed for easy online viewing from anywhere at any time. WATCH ->

LegalED focuses on student learning   Students can view our videos at their own pace, from anywhere, review lessons as often as they want for mastery, go deeper into topics of particular interest, and hear diverse perspectives on legal concepts. LEARN ->

LegalED is a central hub where the legal education community can collaborate, share, connect, inspire and be inspired. LegalED facilitates networked collaboration and cooperation among a worldwide community of teachers and students of the law.  JOIN->