
LegalED resources applicable to Legal News

LegalED has resources that are relevant to the hot button issues that are being debated in the United States. We want to provide the legal facts to those interested in these issues by sharing videos and content produced by law professors and legal experts. 


Immigration Law 

The videos below are part of a video series created for LegalED.  The collection of short videos, by the country’s leading law professors about the law regulating migration, is designed to explain the basics of immigration law so that Congressional staffers, law students, journalists and well as members of the general public better understand the current immigration landscape.  You can see the full collection here

Executive Action 

President Barack Obama has announced that he will be using executive action to delay the deportation of millions of immigrants. Learn what executive action is and how this will effect immigration. 

"What is Executive Action? UCLA professor and immigration law expert Hiroshi Motomura explains how it works legally and why it matters. 

"Prosecutorial Disrection"  Penn State Law professor Professor Shoba Sivaprasad Wadhia explains what it is and the importance related to immigration law.    


Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (“DACA”) is a memorandum authored by the Obama administration on June 15, 2012. It was implemented by the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano.

Learn what DACA is and the specific state laws. 

Stephen Legomsky Memo on LEGAL AUTHORITIES FOR DACA AND SIMILAR PROGRAMS that was featured in the Washington Post

"A Quick Look at DACA" Center for Applied Legal Studies Georgetown University Lalia Hlass

"State DACA Laws"  University of Houston Law Center, Professor Michael Olivas